Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • What are your business hours?

    Our office hours are 9AM to 6PM on weekdays, and 10AM to 3PM on weekends.

  • Is it better to call or send an email inquiry?

    It depends on your unique situation. If  we are closed and you would like us to know about your unique situation in detail, leave us an email inquiry so that when we connect over the phone, we have more context regarding your issues.

  • Is there such a thing as tax free income?

    Yes there is. You and your spouse maybe eligible for up to $80,000 worth of tax free income (Personal) per year payable from the corporation. Ask us how and save thousands.

  • Can my life insurance be paid by the corporation?

    Yes it can. You can take life insurance out for all the shareholders of the corporation. Special rules apply.

  • Can my children's future education be paid via the corporation?

    Yes it can thru dividends if you make them shareholders. Speak to us about these options.

  • Can I deduct my vehicle expenses from the corporation?

    Yes you can and the corporation can own vehicles which are used by directors. There are conditions from the CRA in terms of car logs, personal versus business use.

  • Can you track my expenses for me so I can focus on my work and family?

    We at Dean & Associates take over all your bookkeeping, financial statements and personal and corporate tax returns, dealing with CRA for both personal and corporate. We make it very simple for you to maintain your accounting and tax obligations without having to worry about administering this part of your business.

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